November 2019

(word count: 3517)

Make a move:just had a rather interesting dream. It was about him, at the same time, during several consecutive days, getting him and myself secluded in the same empty room without anyone noticing. With his back faced towards me, he said several things. Forgot what, but he always told me to do something in secret that's (not gonna lie) pretty sketchy. Then, it seemed that odd things started to happen after I did those pretty sketchy tasks. Man, I kinda wish that what I just dreamt of was A.) Actually real, and B.) More fleshed out in terms of plot. Apparently, it was actually filmed for something called Casablanca and I wasn't told at all. Still, what an interesting idea: A kind, cheery guy turns aloof and mysterious and is told to ask someone to carry out sketchy tasks in order to… prevent something deadly from happening? Dunno. I would say that this is what would make me actually consider watching the colosseum, (adding a legit interesting side plot that actually seems serious) but the thing is… It wasn't for the colosseum at all. In that dream, it came out of the blue, which made me think that it was totally real. Anyways, someone like him suddenly turning cold and rather mysterious is… quite attractive. I bet the bad thing is planning to put him and everyone he's ever known in grave danger. Then, he says that it's up to me to neutralize said bad thing? Man, oh man… He was so serious and urgent… Could this be a premonition? So serious, so urgent, so desperate to neutralize a terrible fate that could come even sooner and end up more painful if he were to say anything about it. Ah, what an exciting dream. I sure hope that this weekend follows suit. Keep on dreaming. 11-1-19🌟

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F-R-E-E, that spells free,, baby: Welp, back at it again with the pining over spending time with a particular someone and over moving to Southern California. See? I can multitask after all. Can't I just do both? Come on, life. You know you want to. Doing at least one of those is gonna result in complete happiness for sure. Like, what if we have to move due to business reasons? Or, what if my life decides to play out like a Christmas movie from the Hallmark channel? Like, that moving to the town where I was born and also where I fall in love with a Jo(h)n™ part sounds pretty goddamn legit, y'know. Life would be awesome if going down there wasn't just an annual thing. Anyways, I really hope I can dream up some more Casablanca lore, y'know. Keep on dreaming. 11-3-19🌟

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The bigger the circle, the thinner the waist: Today was alright. I liked the part when I found out that they're still playing the Sprite Cranberry commercial. Anyways, there's two things that I find to be really odd: things people do to stop bullying, and things people do to spread kindness or positivity. I have one question for both acts: do you really think that'll work? Like, how does posting a PSA on bullying or making some annoying-cutesy way to tell people to smile work??? The only thing that's working is how believably fake it is. What were you thinking when you assumed that it would work? Because, it doesn't!!! What are you doing?! It doesn't help at all!! Speaking of which, that reminds me of those cheesy messages that someone put in everyone's locker when I was in middle school. I thought it was fake then, and I still believe that. Yeah, anyways. Keep on dreaming. 11-5-19🌟 (remember, remember. The 5th of November…)

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You'll never see it coming: god, I can't believe how magical that Casablanca dream was. I bet it would be just as magical if I actually met him. Come on, life. Won't you please give me at least one of those? Today, I was the most sick I've ever been since I had that cold. Took me forever to get me to stop sneezing. Anyways, I was watching their Wii Party U collab to fill the gap between the collab that just ended and whatever the next one is. (Fortune Street or Wheel of Fortune, I guess?) I just remember laughing really hard and finding out that the colosseum segment of the same game was in the playlist for the actual collab as well. I can't, man. I just can't. I know it's from last year, but… I can't. God, I wish he knew that I exist. Keep on dreaming. 11-6-19🌟

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My songs know what you did in the dark: Well, today was kinda boring. I liked the part when I was watching the Wii Party U collab, in which he made inhumane sounds like a dying whale while he was trying out a minigame. How that was suppressed from my memory, I do not know. Oh, yeah. There was an interesting stream with them that I totally missed, and I also was pining for some physical affection. I just want a particular someone to hug and say that he loves me, that's all. Please, somebody hold me in an embrace. Keep on dreaming. 11-7-19🌟

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3, 2, 1, penguins: just rewatched the London Olympics opening ceremony from 2012, and I was reminded of how much I adore the regular British stereotype, and how high my expectations are for Japan's opening ceremony next year. It has to be just as good, if not better. Anyways, something odd happened to that channel that uploads previous streams. It uploaded a bunch and then deleted 'em all. Sure hope that A: that stream from yesterday is uploaded tomorrow, and B: the new collab is uploaded tomorrow as well. (2012, what a distant, more pleasant year…) Keep on dreaming. 11-8-19🌟 (happy birthday to a particular someone's good friend and a particular video)

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Sing, goddammit!: today was interesting. My mom started contemplating our next Disneyland trip and I re-watched a particularly emotional stream. Someone said that it's okay to step back from something, and it made me think about how I did the same thing with school for two, technically three years. Perhaps I could come back and do that successfully one day, hopefully. That'd be nice. Some emotional support would be nice as well. But anyways, Disneyland! We're going to Disneyland in four goddamn months! Damn. Sure hope I can do things a little better when that rolls around. Keep on dreaming. 11-9-19🌟

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Sister Suzie sittin' on a thistle: Well, today was legit. Finally got my hands on Hidden Fates, only to be one-upped by my brother. At least I found about 3 things that I want for Christmas. God, at this point, I'm mostly doing these in order to actually freaking sleep. Speaking of wanting things, I could really go for reading that fanfic, going to the mall, getting him to know I exist, and enjoy a great big, ginormous hug from him. (amongst other things, hmmmmm…) But I'm down for some good ol' sleep. Perhaps I'll meet him in my dreams, who knows? Keep on dreaming. 11-10-19🌟 (I'm getting Pokémon Shield in five days? God damn…)

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I don't wanna be afraid: So, today I realized something. There's about 50 days left until 2020. Which is like, okay, sure. But then it hit me: 50 days left until the very decade I become an adult starts. God daaaaaamn. But, I'm still just a mere child. Will anything meaningful happen to myself in that very decade? Will I find the very thing that will make me feel whole? Will I find the love of my life? Good god, this decade is so scary, but filled to the brim with opportunity. Fate, life, love, please be kind to me in this upcoming decade. Please and thank you. Keep on dreaming. 11-11-19🌟 (pocky day! Yeah! Right, and he's not uploading for a little bit now. He's either under the weather or recording an upcoming collab…)

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The evil has been defeated: just watched Home Alone, and the beginning reminded me of how enamoured I was of the concept of living in a big house with a bunch of people when I was about 6 or 7. Then I realized something. Isn't that what the colosseum weekend is? Like, it's literally that but with a live stream going on! Damn, now I actually kinda wanna watch that sketch compilation now. (Keyword: kinda) Legit, like, 80% of the times I've laughed while watching that were due to how awkward, spontaneous, and just plain unorganized everything is. It's so awkward! I just watched some clips of it on Instagram and I was reminded of my Casablanca dream. Man, I don't think that dream is gonna be topped for awhile at least… Dream or not, having that as a side story for the colosseum and not having the both of us even appear in the actual stream (not until the end, I guess?) would be freaking awesome! (It would also add to my total adoration of a guy like him…) Keep on dreaming. 11-12-19🌟 (Casablanca: a Deadly Premonition, coming to theaters near you, May 2020. Look forward to it! Yeah, and also, today was his return to uploading after being too busy with collab recording. About 20 minutes before he uploaded, I woke up from a dream about him. I think the universe was in the mood for some kindness earlier today.)

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Basketball! Basketball! We love basketball!: had a dream in which I retrieved stolen jewelry from an unsuspecting thief at a beach near Paris, and received a crystal necklace in return, which was cool. Pleasant, but not at the Casablanca level of pleasantry. Which reminds me. What if I belong in a foggy coastal town with a French name like the one I've dreamt about? Right, and also… I need to watch that Disney vlog right before I actually go. Oh, I'm getting Pokémon Shield tomorrow, and I'm worried that it's not gonna live up to my expectations. But, I've gotta play it. For his sake! Keep on dreaming. 11-14-19🌟 (my heart yearns for a guy like him suddenly turning dire, urgent, and oh, so serious…)

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Ieva's polka: Y'know, I just thought of something: what if, during the events of Casablanca, he wore that mask, y'know, that silver mask, to be more secretive, mysterious, to conceal his identity, and (to be honest) pretty goddamn dashing and attractive? (now that's what I call a run-on sentence!) It doesn't make much sense, but still! Anyways, Pokémon Sword and Shield came out today, but I didn't get my copy for some stupid reason. (But, I've seen the first 20 minutes of it. Looks good so far.) Also, I thought of something. How long is it going to be until we move out of this house? And, will we ever move out of the state? Hmm, we may never know. (Man, I'm becoming an adult in several years. How's that gonna go? Right, and during the Galaxy 2 let's play, he got to Starshine Beach and referenced "i'm a chuckster!" Which made me freak out.) Keep on dreaming. 11-15-19🌟

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Fly high!: I got my copy of Pokémon Shield, which is going great so far. I especially like how one of the Pokémon that's in my team is a Sylveon, and that Togepi made it into the game. Yeah, it's all fun and games until a seasoned Pokémon pro that is a particular someone starts judging my motley Pokémon crew. Speaking of him, I'm practically fawning over any bit of concern his good friends would definitely have for him during the events of Casablanca. Y'know, like, "what's gotten into him? He's suddenly so quiet and withdrawn; a complete opposite of his usual cheery self. I've never seen him act like this, even when we first met… He's been disappearing a lot, like several times a day. I just want to know what's going on with him, and know that he's safe." like, hell yeah! Like, the fact that he trusted me to handle such a precarious task in order to neutralize a deadly fate from a deadly premonition? How entrancing!! And, he's wearing that mask to keep people and potential evil away from a once kind and gentle soul and face? Oh, yeah! Sign! Me! Up! Keep on dreaming. 11-16-19🌟

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Wouldn't it be Nice?: (starting this during a lovely 4:20 am) Well, I can't sleep, but I am fawning over the idea of being with a sweet, kind man who has a secret identity that I'm oblivious to knowing that those two are the same people. (I have the eponymous song stuck in my head…) Like, I fawn over the serious, threatening, Casablanca stuff, (we've been knew) but I bet the everyday stuff is pretty legit as well. So is the fact that he knew how to speak French fluently at one point. Would be awesome if he were to show off that prowess by speaking it for several minutes straight during an episode of… something. Man, I can't think. Let me sleep already, dammit. Keep on dreaming. 11-17-19🌟 (happy day of birth, knife-wielding tentacle.)

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I cut down trees, I wear high heels, suspenders, and a bra: 5 am. Can't sleep. Sound familiar? Anyways, it took me a while to realize that… Thanksgiving is next week. Next week is the last week of November. Goddamn. Nothing really happened today, other than the sudden and miserable stomach ache I had. Probably a preview of my next period. (Thanksgiving is next week???) Let me sleeeep! Let me sleeeeeeep! Sure hope that at least one of these weekends meet my expectations. Keep on dreaming. 11-19-19🌟 (I wonder if a particular someone is still depressed…)

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I left the oven on!: Well, next week sounds promising. At the end of it, it's supposed to snow!!!! Isn't that wonderful? If it actually does, (in which, I sure hope it does) I would be so goddamn elated. Man, a good start AND end to a month! (Oh, yeah. Thanksgiving is at the end of the month this year…) Please let it snow before the end of the year, I swear to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and all holy beings who reside in Heaven and the clouds above. Pretty please with a cherry on top and thank you. Anyways, damn am I excited for this December. Christmas is gonna be awesome as per usual and I am so looking forward to it!!! Keep on dreaming. 11-20-19🌟

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Congratulations, child!: last night was awful when I was trying to sleep. I kept sneezing and my mind was abuzz. I couldn't even start writing one of these because I didn't have anything to write about! Anyways, I read through my circa. 2011 diary, and… I swore twice. Like, I was a 6 to 8 year old kid, and I somehow managed to swear without feeling guilty? Damn. Past self, how and why did you do that? You're a child! Anyways, since I got my copy of Pokémon Shield, nothing that was too interesting happened. Life, I bet you're saving that for this weekend, huh? Keep on dreaming. 11-22-19🌟 (speaking of Pokémon Shield, I have Bede's theme stuck in my head…)

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You were close: y'know, nothing super interesting happened today. Other than that they started a collab of Mario Party 8, which actually feels kinda weird, to be honest. I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually… Anyways, I'm really looking forward to this upcoming week. There's Thanksgiving, so it's gotta be interesting. And, if there's snow around that time, I'm gonna be freaking pleased about it. Not to jinx anything, but maybe we'll get a White Christmas this year. That would be such a legit way to end the decade. Wait, the decade? Keep on dreaming. 11-23-19🌟 (happy 9th anniversary, A Day Well Spent!)

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A Jedi blanket: Well, today wasn't up to snuff with my expectations, but we did stock up on Lucky Charms and cup noodles, so there's that. Anyways, I was just listening to Fall Out Boy's Yule Shoot Your Eye Out, and it made me think. You know how a bunch of people name their fanfics after (usually) alt. rock songs? What if I was able to write my own one-shot, Christmas thing named after that song, featuring Emily and her friends? I obviously don't know what it would be about plot-wise, but I imagine those four being like the Celestials, 2.0. Meh, just a thought. Next week and the month ahead better be up to snuff, I swear. Keep on dreaming. 11-24-19🌟 (one month until Christmas eve!!!)

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More like chairem anime: Well, last night I had a very unusual dream. It was really dark compared to my usual dreams, but anyway… The beginning and not-so dark part was me and someone else getting to what was apparently Stockholm, Sweden by foot. Not dark, but a bit odd. But, that second part was of me being told that a crappy shoulder injury I had was affecting my heart in very crappy ways, and that it wasn't too long until my death. So, the rest of the dream was me being terrified and overall grieved towards that day happening, as well as thinking about my funeral and even the afterlife. Excuse me, but what??!!! Where did this depressing nonsense come from, and what did it do to my lovely Casablanca dream? Yeah, dark and depressing nonsense fever dream aside… I overheard one of my parents calling me whiny, and I was like, "I know, but hey!!" Do people think of a god complex and being whiny similarly? Keep on dreaming. 11-25-19🌟 (Christmas is in a month!!!!!)

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Everytime we touch, I get this feeling: Well, just rewatched Spider-Verse, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and the Lego Batman movie, so that was cool. Yeah, anyways, something that I find odd is that a crap ton of people go to somebody's house for Thanksgiving, which confuses me. Like, just for Thanksgiving? Do you arrive and then leave on Thanksgiving? It's weird. Anyways, YouTube is, I think, psychic. It keeps recommending me pieces of the colosseum streams. Mostly last year's, but I've seen the intro and sketch compilation as well. YouTube, what are you trying to tell me? Keep on dreaming. 11-27-19🌟

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Squanto potato: Yeah, so today was Thanksgiving. In summary: A. I got only 5 hours of sleep, since I wanted to watch the parade, B. During the parade, I just sat on my bed, tired and confused about Thanksgiving as a whole, and C. I got full over a single slice of turkey, a slice of bread, and a small bowl of mac and cheese. Right, and it was cold as hell outside. (Maybe I should clean my room soon…) Keep on dreaming. 11-28-19🌟 (27 days left until Christmas!!!!)

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Billy does not like the salad. It reminds him of death: Well, today we put up the Christmas tree, so that's pretty cash money. Except that it's a fake Christmas tree. Wonder why we got a fake one. (Theory: we're moving to California in the new year, which is a place where Christmas trees can get pretty expensive. But, then again…) What's also pretty cash money is that I finally got my mom to order me some new headphones, and they're coming on Tuesday. (and that it's 4:20 in the morning) It's a Christmas miracle. Anyways, I just looked outside and saw a small dusting of snow. If that's how the snow's gonna be like for the entirety of this winter, I'm going to sue God after throwing a hissy fit and crying, since I'm likely off my nut. (And also that snow is literally one of the few things that never not make me smile like an absolute moron.) Anyways, I know that it won't happen, but imagine if there was a Christmas edition of the colosseum. Damn, I might actually consider watching that. Wonder if next year's colosseum will have something that interesting. Probably not, but we'll see. Right, and so I printed out my Christmas list yesterday, and it looks like my mom hunted down everything on it on Amazon. Holy crap, mom. Keep on dreaming. 11-29-19🌟 (26 days left until Christmas!!!!)

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Waluigi, at around three, eats Cheerios with Eario: Well, December is legit tomorrow, and I am the definition of excited, to be honest. Like the upcoming Decade, this month has so much goddamn potential and I'm gonna sue if it goes to waste. Anyways, I was just thinking about him re-doing his Mario Sunshine let's play like how he did with EarthBound last year. Such a concept rivals the concept of him let's playing Splatoon 2. And that is saying so goddamn much. This is one of the few times where I would be able to compare the two let's plays, and how he grew as a person. Reminder: he was a depressed college kid during the original. Good god, now that's what I call growth. (A christmassy colosseum actually sounds wonderful…) Speaking of re-doing things, it would be awesome if they re-enacted the shirts promo from almost a decade ago. Goddamn. Keep on dreaming. 11-30-19🌟 (25 days left until Christmas!!!! I just remembered, he just tackled the final boss in today's episode, and he was enthusiastic as hell, which I mean positively. My memory was up to snuff when remembering how disappointing that second phase was.)