spectra's micro-blog

this is spectra speaking. here is my micro-blog, started in june 2021. many of this was written when i've been having trouble falling asleep, so enjoy reading through my sleep-deprived half-thoughts.

june 2021

I can't sleep. A rip from the charity marathon made me go dig for a vlog that had that same song. I can't believe it's almost nine years old. It's also summer, which means AGT season. Gross. I get it. You like watching a million people with the same backstory sing the same chart-topping songs over and over during the same season like it's a tradition. It's all the same. Why bother? Man, y'know, I wish I had friends. I know it's almost been a week since I joined that server, but I just don't quite vibe with the people there. Hell, half of them aren't even active. Have I mentioned that Instagram post with him, his college roommate, and several other people? Pretty amazing how I haven't. I'm just too obsessed with it. Man, OP hasn't uploaded in 3/4 days and it's kinda annoying. I mean, I kinda lost faith in the passion project, and nothing as of late interests me, and she's only ranting about the toxic gacha community... Will she ever do anything interesting? Will I ever hold, or even be part of, a genuine convo on that server? There was this part of the podcast last year where it was brought up how someone was moving across the country, and the guy I just mentioned said how fun it would be and wanted to join in too. My dried out road trip instincts would also like to join in, please. Another thing from the podcast I was thinking about was his good friend talking about the houses he'd live in. Like, he's lived in sooo many. Reminds me of how I moved four or five times once I entered kindergarten.

Can't believe I forgot to mention something. there was this podcast-interview thingy uploaded with the channel I got into a year ago. Hearing about Disneyland again felt so refurbishing. OP uploaded just now. Doesn't look that interesting. It's more interesting how she's kept aaaaall of those subscribers for almost two months. Oh yeah, I can't sleep. Looks like OP's monthly rant status quo isn't satisfied yet, either. Great.

You'll never guess what time it is, man. It's almost 8 in the morning and I just can't sleep again. I just checked out some new NijiGaku subunit songs, and it's just so refreshing knowing that they already have both a Christmas song and a heavy metal-esque song. The main thing is whether or not they'll both land on Spotify. I can only wish for now. Like, I looked it up and it looks like Maze Town, the heavy metal-esque one, is supposed to come out the day of/after E3. Welp. Next week's just gonna be A Thing, isn't it? Especially if there's new collab channel-related stuff planned. AKA those bonus streams. Whenever the hell that is, it's just gonna be hype for sure. The chemistry of those four is on par with the OGs. Which is saying a lot. Man, I can only pray for another one of those streams like the serendipitously bonkers ones that we got last year. Man, Anyways, if we do end up moving, imagine how this summer would be. Speaking of which, I don't really know how to feel if we end up moving and not even visiting Seattle this summer. Of course, there's no telling if that yard sale means that we are in the first place. I can dream. Except that it being Thursday morning means that I can not sleep. Stuffy noses and insomnia make for one helluva drug, kids. (Okay, fine. There's this one clip from the first charity marathon where he's being hugged by someone who used that in a rap MV that's one of this year's bumpers. Would it be stating the obvious if I said that it's been on my mind?)

Svsfvegvwtg can't sleep. Either because of the side of my mouth hurting or getting really excited for that bonus stream. This is the worst. Especially if this pain devolves into something awful, I can't really do anything right now. Just sit around until I zonk out, I guess, I can't catch a break in terms of health this month, huh? If it's worth anything, shout out to that stream from the beginning of the month for mentioning the lamp sequel and marathon bumpers. Please tell me that the serious lamp subplot continues next year.

It's back again, and about time too. That time that's another mind dump. Kowareyasuki is on the mind again. Finished that one stream three weeks later. I'm genuinely glad that they discussed Lamp lore and whether someone's evil or not. That's not gonna make sense in any other context. I constantly thank God for the charity marathon's serious subplot, Man, anyways. If there's anything I've yet to bring up, it's this YouTube channel called Kiwami Japan. They make knives and such out of basically anything. Like, for example: bismuth, chocolate, smoke, seashells, glass, you name it. It's genuinely fascinating and somehow makes for amazing ASMR. Despite the curious and mysterious atmosphere, I'm pretty sure that the guy's what more avid weebs call yandere. Back to the charity marathon, shout out to that one part of Saturday during the marathon's talk radio segment that stood out to me being a product of mere tiredness. I wish I could remember how somebody described it, Like, they said "deadpan ???? negotiator" and I'm too tired to look back and find it.
