i've been into anime since early 2014, but i haven't really started collecting manga since 2020. i've been trying to get back into physical media recently, though. using e-books doesn't quite feel right (especially with the likes of amazon *coughcough*), and supporting the authors is always important. this page is mainly for documenting my collection, as well as my thoughts about each volume. please, be wary of spoilers.
nichijou - my ordinary life by arawi keiichi 
11 of 11 volumes owned
this is where it all begins. nichijou is basically my favorite anime since i've started watching, so it's a no-brainer when it comes to collecting manga. it's strange, surreal, and hysterically funny. but, it does have heart. nichijou follows the shenanigans of cheerful, boisterous yukko aioi, bright yet short-tempered mio naganohara, and mysterious, soft-spoken mai minakami. these three are classmates with nano shinonome, a girl who's trying to hide that she's a robot, and just wants to be normal. she lives with the eight-year-old hakase shinonome, the professor that built her, and their talking pet cat sakamoto. there's also a sizable cast of side characters that inhabit the school these girls attend, tokisadame high. the series originally ran in japan between the years 2006 through 2015 for the magazine shounen ace, then took a seven year break. in october of 2021, it was announced that the manga would return (and there was much rejoicing.), and is currently at volume 11, as the english translation released in late august 2023. a 12th volume is set to release (in english, at least) in june of 2024.
volume 1

it's volume 1!!! i purchased this back in march 2017, right before i moved. this is the very first manga i've owned. in this volume:
- nano collides with another student on the way to school, causing her to be displaced by a huge explosion.
- yukko catches mai laughing at the principal's bad jokes during a school assembly.
- mio and yukko discuss whether or not nano is an actual robot.
- nano urges hakase to take off the key on her back in order to be more normal.
- yukko and mio attempt and fail to build a deck of cards.
- yukko witnesses an epic battle between a deer and the prinicpal.
- trigger-happy misato tachibana attempts to come up with a culture festival plan with
her crushdrama club president koujiro sasahara.
i've had this particular volume on me for weeks during middle school, so i've read through it dozens of times. this manga starts things strong.
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